Store information


  • delivery service

    delivery service to restaurants


3-19-15, Beppu, Settu-shi, Osaka


Store opening hours


Store closing day/s

open 7 days a week

We are closed on Jan. 31st for inventory.

Parking space17
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wineJapan Sommelier Association certified Sommelier

The Sommelier is a wine specialist trained to be the person responsible for wine in eating places. Qualifications to pass the exam are not only knowledge of wine , but also providing a good service to customers, expressivity, experience in working in a wine serving establishment and their cellar, etc. are requested. If you have a question about wine, just ask a Sommelier!
Certification body: Japan Sommelier Association

sakeSake Service Institute certified Kikisake-shi

The job of the Kikisake-shi (sake tasting master), a person trained in tasting and having a deep knowledge of Japanese sake, is to explain its wonders to the consumers, exactly like the Shochu kikisake-shi.
According to the tastes of the customers, their physical condition and to other subtle points, he will chose the best sake to drink.
Certification body: Sake Service Institute

whiskyScotch Whisky Research Centre certified Whisky Expert

The Whisky Expert is a certification system for all those persons that handle whisky as a job or have an interest in it. This certification is not limited only to scotch whisky but covers all the whisky types in the world. A Whisky Expert explains the good points and how to enjoy whisky to people from individuals to groups.
Certification body: Scotch Whisky Research Centre

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