Store information

六角木屋町店(Kyoto-shi Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto)

  • Tax Free stores

    Japan. Tax-free shop

  • delivery service

    delivery service to restaurants


2-236, Kawaramachidorisanjyokudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi


Store opening hours


Store closing day/s

open 7 days a week

We are closed on Jan. 29st for inventory.

Accepted Payment Options

Specially expert staff in the store*Clicking on an icon will give more details

sakeSake Service Institute certified Kikisake-shi

The job of the Kikisake-shi (sake tasting master), a person trained in tasting and having a deep knowledge of Japanese sake, is to explain its wonders to the consumers, exactly like the Shochu kikisake-shi.
According to the tastes of the customers, their physical condition and to other subtle points, he will chose the best sake to drink.
Certification body: Sake Service Institute

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